Rabu, 27 Juni 2018


Eid Holidays
1.     Simpang lima
Simpang lima located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. During Eid holidays I visited Semarang. When it was transiting in Semarang because tired of driving the car. So my family stopped at Semarang. My family and I visited in simpang lima Semarang, there are many who rent out bikes with colorful lights. There is also surrounded by tall buildings, and of course very crowded.

2.    Kota lama Semarang
Then next time I went to the old town of Semarang was there a lot classical buildings. If you are a photo hunter. A row of old buildings in classical European style, often hunted by photographer. In the old town of Semarang there is a park adjacent to the old church called the church blenduk. The building is very nice, the in the park there is a bbicycle that became an icon to take pictures and pay with sincerity. There is also a Spiegel café that offers a unique culinary place with a classical building atmosphere.

3.    Lawing Sewu
Located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Then next time I went to the most popular icon in Semarang city “Lawang Sewu”. Lawang Sewu often referred to as a haunted building, Lawang Sewu is an old building, that used to function as Indische Spoorweg Maatscappij (NIS) headquartes. NIS as known as a company that builds railway line between Semarang with Solo and Yogya. The building that was build in 1904 has a very unique shape with the characteristic of having many doors and windows. Because of the large number local people also call this building actually only has 429. So much history about what is told there.

4.    Pantai pasir putih
Then I went to the white sand beach located in Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia. When I came here the place is very crowded, and the waves are quite fast because it was late afternoon, my family and I boarded the boat to see the coral sea, but the waves are very tight so quite difficult to see. Then my family and I went back and ate satay together.

5.    Kawah ijen or gunung ijen
Located in Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. The ijen crater became the second icon in Eastern Java. Crater of ijen known as blue fire. Blue fire which is one of the best natural phenomena in the world. At dawn, the crater area in this mountain carries the blu color like fire. To be able to watch it, tourist must leave at 01:00 am or 02:00 am so that the sun does not obscure this amazing phenomenon. To get to this mountain must require very strong physical preparation because the climb time is long enough. The longest about 3 hours and the air here is very cold exceeds the mountain bromo.

That’s my eid holiday, thank you 😊

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