Rabu, 04 April 2018

various impacts of tourism

Various impacts of tourism

A.   Economic
Usually seen as positive, contributing to employment, better services, and social stability. Yet there impacts can also contribute to high living costs within the community, pushing local business out of the areas and raising costs for local.

B.   Environmental

The positive with many tourist attractions, the place can be visited by tourists from various regions. And the environment can be better known. Such as the sea that became the favorite place for foreign tourists to do the activity there. But the bad impact is the occurrence of congestion everywhere, garbage scattered everywhere. Sometimes there are people who are aware of the environment and some are not.

C.   Social

Associated with interactions between peoples and culture background, attitudes and behaviors, and their relationships to material goods. Tourism can be beneficial for the host community as it provides the financial means and the incentive to preserve cultural histories, local heritage sites, and customs. It stimulates interest in local crafts, traditional activities, songs, dance, and oral histories. It also opens up the community to the wider world, new ideas, new experiences, and new ways of thinking.
There can be negative effects from cultural interactions. Outside of affecting the relationship between tourist and local, it can also cause friction between groups of the local population. In addition, it can cause drifts in the dynamics between the old and new generations. Tourism has also correlated to the rise of delinquent behaviors in local host communities. Crime rates have been seen to rise with the increase of tourist. Crimes are typically those of rowdy behavior, alcohol and illegal drug use, and loud noise. In addition, gambling and prostitution is increased due to tourists looking for a “good time”.

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